Annual General Meeting
Our 2024 AGM took place on Thursday 20th June. You can view our annual report by clicking the button below.
Our 2024 AGM took place on Thursday 21st June.
As Scouts, we believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We bring communities together and contribute to society. Above all, we aim to build better futures.
That’s why we encourage across Basingstoke East, our young people to do more, learn more and be more. Each week, over 900 young people enjoy fun and adventure while developing the skills they need to succeed in life.
As a Scout District we are a registered Charity and therefore adopt an official constitution and have a board of trustees to oversee our governance. Our Scout Council have voted to use the default constitution provided by Scouts HQ.

Our Current Numbers
(January 2024)
Beaver Scouts
Cub Scouts
Explorer Scouts
Network & Adult Volunteers
You don’t need to be Bear Grylls to volunteer…
We’ve already got one Chief Scout, and he’s brilliant. What we need now are smilers and inspirers, activity planners and Zoomers – all round team players to support our young people.
Here you will find documents and reports relating to previous AGM’s