Become a Trustee

You don’t have to work directly with young people to give them #SkillsForLife.

What exactly is a trustee?

Trustees are a team of volunteers who see the big picture, make decisions, and work together to help Scouts run smoothly.

Trustees play a key part in Scouts, and keep an eye on our vision. They make sure young people have the best experience at Scouts, and check things are being done safely and legally.

Trustees support leaders to deliver a fantastic programme, while having a laugh, making new friends, and learning new skills themselves.

You can find out a little more below on what trustees do and how our trustee board is made up.

What do trustees do?

Trustees do lots of different things. They…

  • Make sure local Scout groups follow the rules
  • Make sure Scouts has enough money for activities
  • Complete any necessary admin
  • Check that equipment and buildings are looked after
  • Check we’re aligning with our Scout values
  • Influence the future of Scouts
  • Help Scouts run activities with young people in the safest way possible

Don’t worry, you’ll never be doing it alone. Our trustees work closely together and help each other out.

Our Current trustees

Our trustees are a wonderfully diverse bunch – we welcome anyone from all different backgrounds, experiences and generations. Some have been in Scouts before, and others are completely new.

Many of our trustees are…

  • People looking to build their CVs – you’ll gain vital experience to make your job or university application shine.

  • People established in their careers – you’ll put your valuable skills into practice and share your knowledge with your team

  • People getting back into work or changing careers – you’ll gain transferable skills and experience for your next challenge

  • People wishing to keep themselves busy – you’ll share your life experience that’ll be most welcome and beneficial

How will being a trustee benefit me?

Being a trustee isn’t just about you helping Scouts, it’s about Scouts helping you, too.

Here are some of the benefits of being a trustee:

  • It’ll boost your employability – having a Scouts role on your CV is bound to impress employers and universities

  • It’s flexible and can fit around your schedule

  • You’ll learn new skills

  • You’ll make new friends

  • It’s an ideal way to volunteer if you’d like to help at Scouts, but camping or running activities for young people isn’t for you

  • It’s great for your mental health – by helping a brilliant cause, you’ll get an amazing sense of achievement

  • You’ll work as a team – if you’ve got exams, a busy week at work or a holiday coming up, there’ll be people to help

  • There’s so much you can do from the comfort of your own home or favourite workspace

  • There are plenty of friendly faces to support you at every step of your trustee journey

  • If you’ve got time on your hands, it’s an opportunity to put your valuable experience and life skills into practice

  • You’ll be offered training as part of your induction

How will being a trustee help me develop?

The skills you’ll gain are endless, and there are so many things about being a trustee that’ll help you grow.

You’ll have the opportunity to…

  • Develop your decision-making skills

  • Listen to different opinions and work together towards a common goal

  • Organise things and do necessary admin – a perfect head-start for office-based jobs

  • Manage money – ideal if you’re looking for a career in finance, and want some experience with numbers

  • Work in your community – a stand-out section of any CV that’s bound to impress

  • Build your knowledge in a youth organisation – this is great if you’re hoping to get into third sector work

  • Socialise – enjoyable, but also a great skill

Who we are looking for

If you’ve got any of the below qualities, we think you’ll make a brilliant trustee…

  • You’re interested in helping young people get skills for life

  • You don’t mind working with and talking to other people

  • You’re a bit creative, or like to find solutions to problems

  • You like being organised

  • You like hearing what other people have to say

  • You’d like to be more active in your local community

If you’ve helped lead a project before, this’ll really help you, but we’re not expecting you to have any prior experience.

You don’t need to have been in Scouts before, either – it’s fine if you’re completely new.

How much time will I need to give?

Being a trustee is flexible, and the amount of time you’ll need to give will depend on what you’re helping out with.

It’s usual for trustees to meet 5-7 times a year, as well as a few additional hours a month when needed. It’s a team effort, so you’ll be working with other friendly trustees to get things done.

Not too sure yet?

Give it a go! If you’re interested, but you’re not sure if it’s for you, have a chat with a Scouts trustee. You could join a meeting to see what it’s all about.

There are so many opportunities for you when you become a trustee – we’ll help you find what you enjoy doing the most.

We know you’ve got a lot on your plate, whether you’re studying, working, looking after your kids, or doing other hobbies. Being a trustee is flexible, and can easily fit around your schedule.

Tip: If you’re a bit nervous about starting, why not join with a friend?

How our board is made up

Basingstoke East District Trustee Board is created inline with POR and is structured as follows:

  • District Chair
  • District Treasurer
  • District Lead Volunteer (ex-Officio)
  • District Youth Lead (ex-Officio)
  • Trustees not involved elsewhere in the District or Group Leadership Teams
  • Trustees from Group Clusters (represented our groups across the district)
  • An additional trustee from the District Leadership

The Chair and Treasurer are chosen by the board from within the group of trustees not involved elsewhere in the District or Group Leadership Teams.


Open Selection Process

Basingstoke East District Scout Council is committed to ensuring an open selection process when recruiting trustees and as such as implemented a trustee recruitment policy. This specifies how vacancies should be advertised and the steps after application/nomination. This policy is available in request by emailing


Trustee Information Pack

Our handy Trustee Information Pack is available in PDF.

 Download the Trustee Information Pack >

Current Vacancies

We’re looking for 2-3 new trustees to join our existing board and help shape the future of Scouting! We’re also seeking a trustee to work alongside our treasurer, with a view to stepping into the role in the next 18-24 months.

No Scouting experience is needed—just enthusiasm and a passion for supporting young people! If you or someone you know would be a great fit, apply or nominate today.