Kent International Jamboree

2nd - 9th August 2025

KIJ2025 is coming, bringing Scouts and Guides together from across the UK and around the world. We are really excited to be taking a contingent from Basingstoke East to this incredible event.

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We’re going to KIJ!

We’re delighted to be taking a contingent of Scouts & Explorers from Basingstoke East to the Kent International Jamboree (KIJ) in 2025.

KIJ25, The Festival of Scouting and Guiding, offers unique opportunities and experiences, bringing together 6,000 young people and their leaders to have fun, be joyful, make noise, celebrate, create friendships and experience great adventures.

The sheer size of our Festival allows participants to engage in activities and discoveries that they might not have encountered otherwise in their lives. It’s a chance for young people to come together from different parts of the world and interact with Scouts and Guides from various cultures and backgrounds. This cultural exchange can be eye-opening and educational, fostering an understanding of different faiths, beliefs, and customs.

Moreover, The Festival provides a platform for participants to explore a wide range of activities, spanning hundreds of different options some of which for our festival, will be a first for Scouting. This diverse array of activities helps young people broaden their horizons and develop new skills and interests.

What can I expect at KIJ?

The Festival will offer unique and amazing ceremonies, shows, and live music performances by professional artists, talented young people, and participants. These arena events create a lively atmosphere, and everyone can come together to enjoy the music and dance. In the evening our participants will be able to enjoy an extensive range of entertainment and activities on a scale they will not have experienced before. There will be themed evenings for older Scouts and Guides.

The festival theme focuses on sustainability and the protection of the environment in which we live, encouraging participants to become champions of change, positively make a difference to the world they will grow up in and create a more sustainable future.

KIJ offers undoubtedly remarkable experiences that bring young people together on an international level, fostering friendship, understanding, and personal growth. They offer a unique combination of fun, education, and cultural exchange that can have a lasting impact on the lives of participants, their leaders, and the communities where they live.

You can find out more about the Kent International Jamboree at


Our cost to attend this event is £495 which includes travel to/from the jamboree, event ticket, all meals on the event and a training/introductory weekend (5th-6th April). We understand that this is a large amount of money so we have split this into a number of payments, with just your deposit of £95 to secure your place. A further payment of £200 will be due by 1st February 2025 and the remaining balance by 1st June 2025.

Cost should never be a barrier to Scouting. Therefore if you wish your young person to attend but will find this cost difficult, please reach out to to discuss in confidence.

More info for participants…

This section is designed for participants and has all the latest news to help you prepare for our jamboree. Click the article name for more information.

How do I sign my young person up to attend?

As long as you attend a Scout or Explorer Section within Basingstoke East, you can simply sign up using our registration form or if your group has invited you via their parent portal you can click yes there. We’ll reach out to your group to access your details and then directly to secure your deposit payment.

If you have any questions before booking please do not hesitate to drop us an email to 

Spaces are limited and bookings will close on 31st December or when the spaces are filled, whichever is the earlier date. 

What is the cost of the event?

The cost for this event is £495 which includes event fee, full catering, transport & a pre-jamboree event. A £95 deposit payment is required within 10 days of registration and the balance is then payable in two parts. You can ofcourse pay in full at anytime. We never want cost to be a barrier to anyone attending any event. If finance may be an issue, please talk to your Section Leader or email to discuss in confidence.

What are the payments?
  • Deposit Payment £95.00 due within 10 days of registration
  • Second payment of £200 due by 1st Feb 2025
  • Final payment of £200 due by 1st June 2025
  • Total payable £495.00
What if I cancel my place?

We have committed to the event to purchase the tickets once you have signed up, therefore we are unable to offer refunds. We will always try our best to sell the place onto another person so that we can look to reimburse you that way.

What kit do participants need?

Participants will need to bring a standard camp style kit with them. We’ll provide tents and communal kit.

What if they don't know anyone?

We are holding a training weekend before the event on 5-6 April 2025. This one night event is included in the cost of the main event and is the chance to meet other partipants and the leadership team.

Our Event Team

International jamborees such as this one are always such a great experience and as such we have amazing interest from our adult volunteers wanting to attend to. With ratios given to us by the event, we run an application process for our adult volunteers and we are therefore still building our adult team.

We already have selected our primary event team, who will be supported by a number of other leaders which we can share shortly. If you are an adult looking to get involved you can apply here

Jack Tracy

Jack Tracy

District Lead Volunteer

Jack is one of our District Commissioners who lead Basingstoke East Scouts. Jack has led the organising of some of our largest events such as Beastly and District Hikes.

Craig Harris

Craig Harris

District Programme Lead

Craigs role is looking after our youth programme across the district. Supporting all sections across the district Craig is a familiar face with many of our young people and well experienced in events.

Tim Gibbons

Tim Gibbons

District Scout Team Leader

Tim looks supports our Scout sections across the district. Tim has been involved in many large events and is a great chef!